zammad run rails c
Setting.set('ui_table_group_by_show_count', true) # enable counter on grouped overviews
Setting.set('ui_ticket_create_default_type', 'email-out')
Setting.set('ui_ticket_create_notes', {
:"phone-in"=>"You're about to note a incoming phone call.",
:"phone-out"=>"You're about to note an outgoing phone call.",
:"email-out"=>"You're going to send out an E-Mail."
Setting.set('ui_ticket_add_article_hint', {
:"note-internal"=>"You are writing an |internal note|, only people of your organization will see it.",
:"note-public"=>"You are writing a |public note|.",
:"phone-internal" => "You are writing an |internal phone note|, only people of your organization will see it.",
:"phone-public"=>"You are writing a |public phone note|.",
:"email-internal" => "You are writing an |internal Email|, only people of your organization will see it.",
:"email-public"=>"You are writing a |public Email|."
Setting.set('ui_user_organization_selector_with_email', true)
Setting.set('ui_sidebar_open_ticket_indicator_colored', true)