>> p Delayed::Job.count
>> p Delayed::Job.first
>> p Delayed::Job.last
>> p Delayed::Job.find(xxxxx).destroy
xxxxx is the Id of my Job (found in the LogFile)
>> p Delayed::Job.where('attempts > 0')
The below command will do a manual fetch of mail channels. This will also show erors that might appear within that process.
>> Channel.fetch
- Step 1: Select customers by email address
>> customer_emails = %w[customer@example.com customer@example.org] >> customers = User.joins(roles: :permissions).where(email: customer_emails, roles: { active: true }, permissions: { name: 'ticket.customer', active: true }).where.not(id: 1)
- Step 2: Preview affected users & tickets
>> puts customers.map { |user| <<~PREVIEW }.join("\n") Customer #{user.fullname}/#{user.id}/#{user.email} has #{Ticket.where(customer_id: user.id).count} tickets #{Ticket.where(customer_id: user.id).pluck(:number)} PREVIEW
- Step 3: Proceed with deletion
>> customers.find_each do |user| puts %{Preparing deletion of customer "#{user.fullname}" (and #{Ticket.where(customer_id: user.id).count} associated tickets)} Ticket.where(customer: user).find_each do |ticket| puts " Deleting ticket ##{ticket.number}..." ticket.destroy end puts " Removing references for user with email #{user.email}..." ActivityStream.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) History.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) Ticket::Article.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) Ticket::Article.where(updated_by_id: user.id).update_all(updated_by_id: 1) Store.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) StatsStore.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) Tag.where(created_by_id: user.id).update_all(created_by_id: 1) OnlineNotification.find_by(user_id: user.id)&.destroy! puts " Deleting #{user.fullname}..." user.destroy end
Find user
In order to work on user information or to check for specific information, you’ll need to find it first.
>> User.find(4) # We already know the ID of the user >> User.find_by(email: 'your@email') # Searching for the user by his E-Mail-Address >> User.find_by(login: 'john.doe') # Searching for the user by his login
Re-activate a locked user account
It sometimes happens that a user locks himself out by wildly trying the wrong password multiple times. Depending on your maximum failing login count (default: 10 times), Zammad might lock the account. The user can’t login any more (forever) if he doesn’t change the password or you reset the counter.
>> u=User.find(**USERID**) >> u.login_failed=0 >> u.save!
You can also double check if the account is locked by running the following (result needs to be 1 above your limit, so 11 for the default of 10 failing logins)
>> User.find(**USERID**).login_failed
Change / Update E-Mail-Adress of User
If needed, you can simply change the E-Mail-Address of the user.
Please note that the login attribute is not affected by this and Zammad thus might show different information within the UI.
>> u = User.find(**USERID**) >> u.email = 'user@exmaple.com' >> u.save!
You need to find the User-ID of the user first for this.
Change / Update Login name of User
Change the user name of the user (e.g. if you want to login with a shorter username instead of a mail address)
>> u = User.find(**USERID**) >> u.login = 'user@exmaple.com' >> u.save!
You need to find the User-ID of the user first for this.
Set admin rights for user
Don’t have access to Zammad anymore? Grant yourself or another user administrative rights.
>> u = User.find_by(email: 'you@example.com') >> u.roles = Role.where(name: ['Agent', 'Admin']) >> u.save!
Set password for user
You or the user did forget his password? No problem! Simply reset it by hand if needed.
>> User.find_by(email: 'you@example.com').update!(password: 'your_new_password'